The Tyranny of the term 'Democracy'

Uncle Sam, the thief, taking citizens for a ride!!!
"I'm for a flat tax -- as long as the flat rate is zero.
The object is to get rid of big government,
not find a new way of financing it." Harry Browne


Uncle Sam is a THIEF!

Police State

"Dishonorable and foolish people claim the existence of terrorism essentially gives license for the rest of us to become criminal, willfully trampling on individuals’ rights to privacy, property, free speech, due process, civic participation, etc. Mass criminality against the individual in the name of social safety is the glue that holds together all tyrannical systems, triggering a catastrophic cycle of moral relativism that eventually bleeds a culture dry."

From: Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My!, May 14, 2013 by Brandon Smith


The Most Deceptive Word In The English Language

August 4, 2014

by Bob Livingston

FROM Personal Liberty


This is a political and subversive word created and promoted by the establishment as a major key to formulate and channel the public mind. It has more than saturated the public conscience. Very “intellectual” people spout this word assuming that it means human freedom and liberty.

The truth and purpose of this word is for a cover and disguise for fascism and socialism. This word is the workhorse of the American propaganda ministry.Every person is taught this word, from politicians to school children. The government indoctrination centers (also known as schools) and the corporate media use it religiously. Politicians love its sound. It is one of President Barack Obama’s favorite words.

It was an important word to Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.

What is this word? It’s “Democracy.”

Let’s play a little game. See how many times you hear this word in a day from the elites, from the media and from your friends. Six; a dozen, 20 or more?

The U.S. was founded as a Republic. When asked what type of government they had created, Benjamin Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” We could not. Our republic has been transformed into a democracy.

Democracy is an esoteric belief system that manipulates the people in such a way that all power flows to the state. As with pure dictatorships, power flows from the top down.

Democracy implies freedom in the public’s mind while power and wealth is constantly channeled to the Federal government. Human liberty is regressively crushed under the one simple word, “democracy.”

Democracy is a political word that is embraced by all political parties and all politicians under many labels in every country of the modern world. It is a cover and a facade for communism, socialism, fascism, for class warfare, for the exploitation and manipulation of minorities against stability, cultural heritage and private property. (By the way; communism, socialism and fascism are all equal. Don’t be fooled by claims that one is a right wing and another is a left wing philosophy. They all transfer power to the state. The difference is simply semantics.)

When politicians utter the word democracy, they are using a code word that signifies their total allegiance to the state. They are using mass hypnosis to manipulate the people against human liberty.

Democracy is that universal mystery that is loved by all and opposed by none. It implies everything good to everyone and every religion. It is the mantle (mantra) of the New World Order. It is the apex of adoration for the state, universalism, One Worldism and materialism. It is Satanism posing as an angel of light.

Anyone seeking human liberty, privacy and private property under the mental deception of democracy is under the greatest illusion. Let us purge our minds of this seductive appeal, this spiritual despotism. It has stolen our conscience, our soul and our honor. It is our legacy to future generations to whom we are passing on our slavery. Shame could have no greater victory.

Democracy is a faith, a state religion, a state of mind. It is the progressive destruction of the person — the individual. It is covered and masked with benevolence, philanthropy and brotherhood. Democracy is the opposite of the common belief. It is “democratic” tyranny, a camouflage for despotism. Its goal is nothing less than universal slavery.

Democracy is the polish, the refinement and the finished perfection of all the tyranny and despotism of history. It is the culmination of that perfect slave state where men and women give their minds, spirits, production and children over to the state. We are reduced to automatons and commercial units. We are government statistics.

The word democracy is a very important word in psychological warfare of government against the people. Democracy as a concept of freedom has evolved over many decades. It is a design word to impress upon the people an imagination that they are free. It has worked unbelievably well!

If the people imagine that they are free, all sorts of crimes by the political system can be imposed, without protest, upon the people. It is an invisible armed guard.

Mental democracy is a psychological weapon of the state that motivates the people to obey the system and to love the state. As George Orwell wrote in his book, 1984, the people come to love Big Brother (the state).

If we focus on this word democracy as an organism, we can tie the visible to the invisible and thus reveal the subterfuge. Democracy is an organism used to pacify the people. And what is an organism? An organism is a repetitive dogma that neutralizes the mind. Its purpose is to integrate the freedom concept of democracy into the American psyche.

It is not formal. It has no overt organization. It may function legally or illegally within the law or above the law. It is never identified as to its true name and purpose. It has no ethnic, social or legal connotation. It is powerful psychological warfare.

With this invisible organism, the American state has imposed all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto without protest and beyond the awareness of the American people who imagine that they are free.



POLICE STATE: Orwell's Nightmare Is Reality!




The FairTax is a consumption tax unilaterally applied to all Americans at the same rate. For businesses, payroll taxes would no longer exist. Our exports would include a heavy tax for overseas buyers purchasing our products, while our imports would be cheaper for us to purchase. I'm not sure how this would affect GDP, as more information is necessary.

According to the FairTax website, "Under the FairTax, every person living in the United States pays a sales tax on purchases of new goods and services, excluding necessities due to the prebate." The prebate gives every legal resident household an "advance refund" at the beginning of each month so that purchases made up to the poverty level are tax-free.

So a family of four making something like $50,000/year should not have to pay taxes, thus preventing an unfair burden on low-income families. Since the FairTax eliminates both federal and payroll taxes, you get to keep your gross pay amount of each paycheck earned.